Breakfast All Day Podcast 8/13/21

Free Guy' star Ryan Reynolds remembers early jobs that made him feel  'invisible'

We’re delighted to have our great friend Tim Grierson come back and hang out on this week’s Breakfast All Day. Tim joins us to review Ryan Reynolds’ video game comedy “Free Guy,” the by-the-numbers Aretha Franklin biopic “Respect,” and the feel-good Sundance favorite “CODA.” In news, we discuss how we feel about going back to screenings in person, Marvel’s latest “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings” only opening theatrically, Jamie Spears saying he’ll step down from Britney’s conservatorship, Mike Richards confirmed as “Jeopardy!” host (with some help from Mayim Bialik), Chet Hanks going on an anti-vax rant and Chrissy Teigen trying to sell us french fry dipping sauce. And over at our Patreon, we recap the Christmas episode of “Ted Lasso” and revisit “From Here to Eternity,” August’s Off the Menu selection. Come romp in the waves with us! And come back in a couple of weeks — we’re taking off until September. Enjoy the rest of summer.

  1. As you know, places where you can rent movies are close to extinct. I just wanted to make sure you knew about one of the few remaining ones: Scarecrow Video (Seattle – close to the University of Washington campus – Some background:

    It’s one of the oldest movie rental stores in the world. It was started as a labor of love by a movie buff when he decided to try renting out his personal collection. From there, it just grew. I predates Blockbuster, for instance.

    It always was and still is completely independent. Only one store. Ever!

    It started out as a “for Profit” but went Nonprofit when the founder got sick. He wanted to continue the mission of providing the widest access to the broadest assortment of movies..

    They have 140,000 titles in stock. And they specialize in weird, unusual, and otherwise hard to find stuff. They are not your “play it safe” Netflix kind of operation.

    The advent of COVID pretty much forced them to go into the mail order business.

    Check them out. Try to stump them. I know they don’t have everything, but I think you will be shocked, but in a good way, at how much they do have.

    BTW, they don’t mail-order everything they have in stock. It’s s shoestring operation in terms of infrastructure. That has forced them to apply the KISS principle and stick to what is logistically easy. For the rest, you will just have to wait until they can open the physical store. Then you will have to get to the store.

    As true aficionados, I warn you that the place might become addictive. That is, if they are willing to mail things to LA. I think they will. But, as a local boy, the issue hasn’t come up.

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