Breakfast All Day Podcast 4/23/21

Nomadland' é eleito melhor filme pelo Sindicato dos Produtores - Rádio  Saudade JF

“Nomadland” has had a terrific run throughout this weird awards season, and we expect it’ll win best picture and Chloe Zhao will win best director during Sunday night’s Academy Awards. Matt, Alonso and I make a bunch of other Oscar picks this week on Breakfast All Day, but we’re hoping for some surprises and we’re generally curious as to how this year’s unusual show will go down. We also have a couple of movie reviews for you: “Mortal Kombat,” which is indeed based on the video game (but isn’t stupid enough), and the well-acted but distractingly implausible sci-fi drama “Stowaway.” In news, we discuss Spirit Award winners, the death of rapper/producer Shock G/Humpty Hump of Digital Underground, Caitlyn Jenner running for California governor (and Matthew McConaughey possibly running for Texas governor), the Hollywood billboard begging Marvel to revive Tony Stark, more disturbing reports about producer Scott Rudin’s abusive behavior, and Morrissey’s angry response to “The Simpsons” episode about him. And over at our Patreon, we recap the disappointing series finale of “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” and review 1947’s “Gentleman’s Agreement,” the Oscar winner our subscribers chose as this month’s Off the Menu selection. Let us know what you’d like to see win at the Academy Awards, and thanks for joining us.


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