— Ms. 45

Primary_ms45-1981-1This week, Drafthouse Films is re-releasing the cult classic “Ms. 45,” Abel Ferrara’s 1981 rape and revenge tale which, in retrospect, was really rather revolutionary. As part of Women’s Week at, Sheila O’Malley, Susan Wloszczyna and I had the pleasure of doing on online roundtable discussion of the film.

Read the discussion here

  1. When you intitally posted the photo I thought of Brooke Sheild’s Pretty Baby. UGH, what tripe. Then read the blurb, and I knew I’d never see this film. I hate violent movies … they don’t entertain, but disturb me. When I leave the movies I want to feel good, happy, uplifted. But now that I’ve read 3 critics dissect the character and her transformation it sounds intriguing.

    Had to laugh at a question directed to you about harassment. You must not read the Comment section at What The Flick! because those bucks totally harass you whether you’re in the video or not. Their outrageous outpourings speak to the lengths people will stretch themselves for attention. Sign of our times, I guess. Where anonyminity and freedom of speech gets mixed up with engorged testoterone and elevated glucose levels from too much candy and soda pop. LOL.

    Maybe Ferrare was right … women constantly live in a society surrounded by a culture of sexual diminutiveization (not a word but I think it fits). We just ignore it and continue to live our lives.

    Nice review format. I hope y’all do it again.

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