What the Flick?! — Blue Caprice

Alonso, Ben and I all loved “Blue Caprice” and were blown away by Isaiah Washington’s chilling performance as the mastermind of the 2002 Beltway sniper shootings.

  1. Currently available on DIRECTV Pay-Per-View.

    So dark, and stoic. Perfect depiction of that frightening time. The car rolling down the highway to begin the killing spree. Sinister and forbodding. Mindful of Stephen King’s story made into a movie called CHRISTINE, where the car takes on the personality of its owner.

    Very little dialog, but just enough to tell the story.

    Thank goodness the screen wasn’t filled with an endless barage of shootings. Instead the story teller concentrates on the fascinating dynamics between the main characters.

    When John hatches the plan he says his goal is mass chaos, yet I remember news reports of the time speculating that his goal was to kill at random so that when they killed his wife they’d never tie her murder back to him. Maybe that wasn’t true.

    The final scene with Lee in prison – would be interesting to know how Lee is survinging prison without his “father’s” guidance. Can such a corrupted mind be rehabilitated? Doubtful.

    Excellent movie. Kudos to Isaiah Washington and Tequan Richmond.

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