— Plush

Plush Movie ReviewIf only this movie had something to do with the great Stone Temple Pilots song of the same name (which is now stuck in my head — again). Instead, the latest confounding career choice from director Catherine Hardwicke is a clunky psychological thriller set in the Los Angeles rock scene. My review.

Read the review here

  1. Sex, drugs and rock’n roll. I’ll pass.

    Why does the poster look like Kate Hudson in ALMOST FAMOUS?

    Gotta say, I loved and still love TWILIGHT. It makes me fall in love with Edward & Bella’ love all over again, every time I watch it. And I watch it on DVD at least every few months. The other installments, directed by other people, never captured their obsession for one another or the looming danger ever present in their foggy surroundings. To this day I haven’t seen the last two movies . . . no interest. But if TWILIGHT comes on TV I’ll watch and fall in love with them again and again. I wish they’d kept the same director.

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